Social assistance


Every year, around 370,000 people are diagnosed with cancer, including 60,000 in Lombardy alone. They are accompanied on the road to recovery by family members, relatives and friends (so-called caregivers) who are involved in the fight to beat the disease.

Soleterre ONLUS’ Lavoro è Cura project aims to support cancer patients and their caregivers in maintaining an active working and social life through support services tailored to their specific needs. To this end, the project provides timely information and personalised services to help manage the consequences of the disease and treatment with regard to everything related to work, offers sharing opportunities and recreational, diversion and community socialisation activities to strengthen the abilities of cancer patients and caregivers to cope with the psycho-physical consequences of the disease and treatment. It also aims to bring together local organisations involved in supporting cancer patients and their caregivers in finding or keeping employment, in order to foster the creation of relationships and the exchange of information and good practices.

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Social Assistance


A project that supports women who have been subjected to violence offering paths to work through the trauma, vocational guidance, collection initiatives and data processing with a guarantee of confidentiality, anonymity and non-judgment.

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