In 2024 L'abilità onlus started a new service dedicated to children with autism spectrum disorder: Le piccole case. It is a Territorial Semi-Residential Rehabilitation Center (C.T.R.S) aimed at children with autism spectrum disorder with an age range of 2 to 11 years and different levels of development, who need specific treatment.

The treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder requires, in addition to early diagnosis, multidisciplinary (psychoeducational, cognitive behavioral, rehabilitative and social interventions), continuous and coordinated care. These are the psychoeducational rehabilitative premises that structure the methodological framework and programming of the interventions implemented in this center.

The multidisciplinary team present at Le piccole case is composed of different professional figures, whose involvement in the child's growth path varies according to the rehabilitation unit of reference: psychologist, professional educator, TNPEE (Neuro and psychomotricity therapist of the developmental age), speech therapist and occupational therapist.

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Social Assistance


Associazione Spazio 3R Riciclo Ricucio Riuso Impresa Sociale is a sustainable artisanal tailoring atelier in Milan aimed at women in vulnerable situations to help them stitch together the pieces of their lives for full social and work integration. Italian and foreign women with different needs, united by the thread of tailoring interpreted with a view to sustainability.

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