Social assistance
São Luís Brazil (2014), Io Bimbo Onlus
Io Bimbo Onlus operates in Brazil in the poverty-stricken state of Maranhao, in collaboration with S.V.A.M. (Sociedade Voluntaria de Assistencia ao Menor), a Brazilian non-profit organization recognized by the government that defends children whose fundamental rights are constantly at risk.
Progetto Disabili (or 'Project for the Disabled') works with Casa Famiglia Turu ('Turu Family House'), a structure founded in April 1999 that currently houses 50 children whose ages range from just a few months old to 16 years. These young victims of abandonment, domestic violence and exploitation, have been placed in the custody of S.V.A.M. by mandate of the Sao Luis Minor Court. In particular, some of them are afflicted by psychophysical handicaps of varying nature. The aim of this project is to take care of the children and adolescents who live in Casa Famiglia, guaranteeing support on a pharmacological, rehabilitation, logistical and sentimental level.
Social Assistance
The goal of this project is to guarantee safe and effective transport for the children of the Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Center (CTRS) La Nuova Brunella.