Social assistance
Compagnia del Perù Onlus (2014 - 2017), Trujillo, Perù
Compagnia del Perù Onlus was created in 2008 with the goal of supporting Centro de Atenciòn y Educaciòn a la familia ('Center for family care and education'), a family home that welcomes child victims of physical, psychological or sexual abuse, offering them a warm bed, food, hygienic services and an education.
C.A.E.F. serves the local population of Trijullo and is managed by a team of Peruvian professionals from the psychological, social and educational fields. The Center currently cares for 20 children under 18 years of age and runs the 'Mi cuaderno' campaign, which provides much-needed school supplies to 300 children from the local community. More than 300 young volunteers from all over Italy have gone to Trijullo to volunteer at the Center.
Social Assistance
A project developed to overcome the restrictions imposed by the health emergency has been refined, evolving into an online platform to more effectively m…