Leading company in the production of luxury tailored garments and supporter of typically Italian male elegance, since 1934 Canali S.p.A. has been promoting the artisan tradition and Made in Italy, focusing its attention on the quality of fabrics, attention to detail, as well as on the constant innovation and creativity of its sartorial tradition.

The Company recognizes the dignity of the person and the respect for people and rules as primary values through a behaviour based on honesty, integrity, loyalty, correctness and mutual trust.

Strongly convinced that ethics represents an essential and indispensable element of its business, the Company considers appropriate to adopt and to disseminate this Code of Conduct (“Code of Ethics”), with which the corporate bodies, management, employees and all those who contribute in any way to the activities of the Company (“Recipients”) are required to comply within the limits of their competences, functions and responsibilities. The set of principles of this Code must inspire all those who work for the Company and in no case will behavior in violation of the same be justified, even if adopted to act in the interest of the company .

The Code of Ethics is not an immutable document. The Company takes care of updating it as a result of changes in the organization, the context in which it operates, and current legislation.

To all the staff of Canali S.p.A. knowledge and respect of the contents of the Code of Ethics are required. This forms an integral part of the contractual obligations of the staff according to Article 2104 of the Civil Code and obligations of directors according to art. 2392 c.c.

The staff must observe the rules of the Code of Ethics and to immediately report any violations of the principles laid down therein to their superiors and/or to the Supervisory Body, according to art. 27 of this Code of Ethics, appointed according to Legislative Decree 231/01.

The adoption of internal procedures is a manifestation of the Company's commitment to the prevention of conduct sanctioned by Legislative Decree 8 June 2001 n. 231(administrative liability of legal persons dependent on a crime).

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